my solution for the overwhelming influencer world

So I get overwhelmed shopping. I am a certain kind of shopper…… I like things visually laid out for me. I don’t have the mindset to search through racks to find an item I am looking for. I am the same way on online. If there are too many items on a site, I get overwhelmed and stop shopping. If I am looking at stories and there are some cute items I will look for a minute but if there are a zillion stories I stop. I have found that most influencers are trying to keep up with analytics so they are CONSTANTLY posting items. Which to me is also overwhelming. So I decided to make a new insta. It is just a place where I will occasionally post items that I REALLY love. I like to call it minimal influencing. So if you are like me, follow along. You can view the place where I will be sharing @thehousewiththepinkflamingo

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