Sweet Treats : My favorites Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

  I Love this chocolate chip cookie recipe, I found it on pinterest years ago and modified a little over the years. Ingredients (makes around 2 dozen) 3/4 c. unsalted butter, softened  3/4 c. brown sugar  1/4 c. granulated sugar  1 egg  2 tsp. vanilla extract  2 c. all purpose flour  2 tsp. cornstarch  1 tsp. baking soda  1/2 tsp. sea salt  1 c. mini bittersweet chocolate chips     Preheat oven...

my solution for the overwhelming influencer world

So I get overwhelmed shopping. I am a certain kind of shopper…… I like things visually laid out for me. I don’t have the mindset to search through racks to find an item I am looking for. I am the same way on online. If there are too many items on a site, I get...

Long Island Bahamas

We get a little stir crazy on occasion, last summer we really wanted to go on vacation and didn’t have anything on the books. We had some free time in July and decided on a Tuesday to head to the Bahamas on Thursday. This was our second time in Long island, we had gone the...

Product Junkie : Favorite Face Mask

A read some where once that Martha Stewart does at least one face mask a day. If you know me, you know I am a True Martha Fan!! So why not follow what she preaches. Seems like a good idea to face mask regularly. why not….. Here are some of current my fav face masks...

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