Category Archives: Travel

Long Island Bahamas

We get a little stir crazy on occasion, last summer we really wanted to go on vacation and didn’t have anything on the books. We had some free time in July and decided on a Tuesday to head to the Bahamas on Thursday. This was our second time in Long island, we had gone the...

Long Island – The Twins First Vacation

When we first found out we were pregnant, one of my first thoughts was…now I have to cancel my travel plans. We love to go to places that are tropical…but unfortunetly, the Zika virus likes tropical places too.  So in result we had to cancel three trips in 2017.  Once the twins were born, all...

Exuma : Our First Family Vacation

Greg and I were craving a vacation.  We had a hard time trying to figure out a place to go that was Layla friendly. We normally go to the keys every year but we wanted to try something different. Plus the idea of being in the car with Layla for 8-10 hours sounded like a...