Category Archives: Uncategorized

my solution for the overwhelming influencer world

So I get overwhelmed shopping. I am a certain kind of shopper…… I like things visually laid out for me. I don’t have the mindset to search through racks to find an item I am looking for. I am the same way on online. If there are too many items on a site, I get...

Cat Island – Bahamas

I have always been a summer traveller. With our busy season being Spring and Fall and the holidays in the winter, our trips have always been during the summer. This year I just wanted to get away. I hate the cold and being a Floridian when it dips into the 30’s I just do not...

Coast & Mabel Turn one….a SUPER late post

I made the balloon arch : ) I used balloon tape and LOTS of balloons. Here are some links to the supplies. Pretty simple, just a little time consuming and I suggest you use a compressor or some sort of balloon pump. Ballon Tape : Balloons : Balloon Pump : Balloons compressor...

Layla’s First Trip to Disney World

For part of Layla’s Second birthday we took a trip to Disney World with out parents.  Our day stated at 5 am. We drove from Jacksonville to Orlando, hoping Layla would sleep on the way.  She decided against that. Layla was a trooper the entire day. She ran/walked most of the day and did not...