Product Junkie : Favorite Face Mask

A read some where once that Martha Stewart does at least one face mask a day. If you know me, you know I am a True Martha Fan!! So why not follow what she preaches. Seems like a good idea to face mask regularly. why not….. Here are some of current my fav face masks

Drunk Elephant : Baby Facial

why I love it : it does what is says, it makes your skin feel baby skin. My skin looks more even and smooth. I love AHA mask, it definitely is something in my regular routine as it helps promote the production of collagen and minimizes the appearance of wrinkles.

cost : $80

where to buy : Amazon, Drunk Elephant .com, Sephora

Cheaper option : Although the drunk elephant seems to last forever, The ordinary brand also makes a version. It does make you look like you were a recent victim of a serial killer but it does the trick. If I had to choose, I would choose Drunk Elephant Baby Facial though.

Peter Thomas Roth Rose Stem Cell Mask

why I love it : it makes my skin feel so soft, smooth and glowing. In addition to using it as a regular 15 min mask, I use it has an intense nighttime routine. I will apply a thin layer on my skin (similar amount of regular moisturizer) before I go to bed and then wash it off in the morning. I wake up with super soft, hydrated skin.

would I buy it again : yes, yes! Although the tub I got will probably last me at least a year. I use it at least twice a week.

cost : $55

where to buy : Amazon, Peter Thomas Roth .com, Sephora

Glam glow youth Mud

why I love it : my skin feels renewed…. all the dead yucky skin cells are gone.

would I buy it again : yep!! I would suggest buying a trial size first, just to make sure your skin doesnt have any reactions. then Purchase the largest size. The medium size doesnt really last too long and for the price, the largest size is the best deal.

cost : $25 – $85

where to buy : Large – Amazon, Small – Amazon

Hanucure Mask

why I love it : It is rare to find a mask that shows immediate result. My skin feels tighter, my pores look smaller, my wrinkles do not seem a deep. Just for fun, go google images from Hanacure facemask. : )

would I buy it again : Yes, but not regularly, it would probably buy the 4 pack once a year splurge. I just wish it was not so pricey, I would buy enough to use more frequently otherwise.

Cost : $29-$110

Where to buy : Amazon (one mask),

I have also found a good mask brush is super helpful. I feel like the mask is applied more evenly and there is less wasted product.

Here a couple I like :

I also like to pair my mask with Eye Gels. I love the Pixi eye gels but if I had to pick I would choose the Detoxifeye.

Happy Masking!!

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