Cat Island – Bahamas

I have always been a summer traveller. With our busy season being Spring and Fall and the holidays in the winter, our trips have always been during the summer. This year I just wanted to get away. I hate the cold and being a Floridian when it dips into the 30’s I just do not want to go outside. We decide to plan a trip to Cat Island, Bahamas. I was a little worried about going somewhere where there isn’t much info online but I am sure glad we did. The weather couldn’t of been more perfect! Not sure what the humidity levels were, while we were there but it felt like there was no humidity. The only part I didn’t love was the water was a little more chilly than I would like.

When we first arrived, it was dark. The sun goes down later in the winter, so it made it a little difficult to navigate to our house. But we made it. We found a rental through VRBO on a little cove. When we woke up and looked out the window it was amazing. The water was crystal clear and super calm. Couldn’t of been more excited. We spent the first morning playing on the beach and paddle boarding.

Cat Island was a pretty small island so it was pretty easy to get from end to end. We decide to do a little research and found some “tourist spots” to hit. When I say tourist spot. It is really just a landmark/bar/beach. There no other tourist there. Winter is busy season in the Bahamas, but every where we went there were no people.

A few of the places we went to…

The Hermitage – being Catholic, visiting this place was a must. It is the Catholic chuch on the highest point in the bahamas. At the top there is a VERY small church. One pew, big enough to hold one or two people, maybe. An alter with a little guestbook next to a cross where you can sign your name and where you traveled from.

After we left the Hermitage, we went to a near by beach. The water was calm and perfect for the kids.

While the boys were fishing in the southern end of the island, we ventured to the south end as well. We met up with the guys after they got done fishing. We found this little gem of a place, Da Pink Chicken – A cute little place with a small beach, some friendly dogs, some hammocks and cold beer. We enjoyed some Kalik, a couple apps and taught Layla how to play the ring toss.

One of the afternoons we ended up at the Fish Fry. Hidden Treasures had the BEST Pina Colada I have ever had, literally, it was so good. Going to the Fish Fry on a bahamian island is a must. The food is made to order and always takes forever but enjoying the atmosphere and bahamian lifestyle makes it so much fun. Along the water there a little huts/ houses where different business cook their food. The best way to compare it, is an outdoor style food court on an island. While we waited for our food we enjoyed some fruity cocktails and let the kids play with the locals.

Tip : Go early, it was nice being there after dark but once the sun goes down the bugs are pretty bad.

Shanna’s Cove – We read about a beach just north of Shanna’s cove. We heard that it is a hike, but when you get there it is beautiful, I had found some pictures online and it looked awesome. For some reason we thought it would be a wonderful idea to hike through brush with three one year old babies and a 4 year old. I would have to say the only thing that made it somewhat enjoyable was it was not ridiculously hot out. I do not recommend doing the hike in the summer. We didn’t check the wind that day, I don’t know why, but when we got there, there was a strong north wind, so the beach was super rough. It was pretty and the kids enjoyed it, but not something I would do again. After our hike, we ended up eating at Shanna’s Cove for lunch. We really loved it. The food was great! The beach at Shannas Cove was so pretty too, after lunch we spent a little time on their beach. The staff was really friendly and let us hang out for a little bit after we had lunch. I am not sure if you are suppose to but the resort didn’t seem too busy so I guess they didn’t mind. We ended up coming back to Shanna’s cove to eat a couple more times throughout the trip. I would highly recommend it.

Just a little sunset photoshoot : )

Another place we ended up having dinner at was Yardie’s. I would recommend stopping by while you are on the island.

Traveling tips :

On the island, the water is so much more enjoyable when it is calm. It can be so pretty when it is calm, if the wind is out of the north find a beach that is either on the south or protected by the north wind or vice versa. I have found that when picking a rental house or a resort, the Caribbean side is always the more calm side.

Car seats : Carseats are hard to find when you rent a car. We bought the Cosco car seat for the kids. It is very light weight and perfect for traveling.

Cribs : We bought two Phil and Ted Travellers for the twins. Highly recommend ditching the pack n play for this.

When we travel, we get two car seat bags. We fill each with : 1 car seat, 1 traveller, 2 packs of diapers, and 1 life jacket. I tie it up so nothing falls out and then check that bag. We have these. . But I will probably get this once these are too worn.

Bring you own food. Snacks that your kids are use to, are not easily found on the out islands (fruit pouches, organic granola bars etc) . We normally bring 2-3 suitcases, one is normally completely filled with food. They do have small grocery stores but nothing like what we have at home. The best way to compare it is to the size of a gas station convenience store. They carry the necessities but that is it. The items are much more expensive as well.

On Cat island we were told about the “traveling preacher” who sells fruit. Well that is how we got our fruit for the week, he came by our house, knocked on the door and we were able to buy the fruit from his truck. I am not sure which days we goes to certain parts of the island but I would ask around if you would like to get some fruit or vegetables. Also, ask around for a “private chef”, for a fee, a local will come to your home and cook your family a Bahamian meal.

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