Long Island Bahamas

We get a little stir crazy on occasion, last summer we really wanted to go on vacation and didn’t have anything on the books. We had some free time in July and decided on a Tuesday to head to the Bahamas on Thursday. This was our second time in Long island, we had gone the summer before but stayed in the south end. The whole island is so beautiful but I would have to say I love the north end.

First day…travel day. Bahamas from Florida you would think is a quick flight and you are there. And yes that is true for some of the islands but all together we are for traveling for about 12 hours. Wake up around 5 head to orlando, which is 2.5 hours away, check in wait for our morning flight. Arrive in Nassau, go through security and customs then get on a smaller plane 3-4 hours later. I think we arrived at our house around 4 or 5.

Travel Tip : Go to Starbucks and ask for cups of whip cream only…they will give them to you for free BTW. I know is is basically sugar but it gives them a good 30 minutes to an hour of focus trying to suck every last drop of their “milkshake” through the straw.

I also make the kids trail mixes. mixed with healthy snacks and a couple treats. they love it, and it also keeps them entertained. All three kids carry their own backpack. In their backpacks :

Layla – Ipad, trail mix, water bottle, drawing pad, and some colored pencils (5 years old)

Coast – Trail mix, water bottle, coloring book, crayons, two toys trucks (2 years old)

Trail mix, water bottle, coloring book, crayons and 2-3 little people. (2 years old)

Once we arrived we enjoyed a little beach time.

The grocery, as seen above, is really small. I highly advise to pack a suit case of food/essentials. We pack things like pasta, pasta sauce, rice, peanut butter, cerael, fruit snacks, pancake mix. Things like milk, bread, fruit are all easily accessible.

When we are there, all we do explore. We find pretty places on google earth, rent a car and go there.

One of our favorite places we got to visit this time was Columbus monument. Last time we were there the road had been washed away so it was not accessible. The monument and the road were still under construction when we arrived but the people working allowed us to visit. They actually stopped working so there was no dust flying around and let use explore the platform they were building for the monument.

The house we stayed at is on Cape Santa Maria beach. It is a beautiful beach that basically looks like a giagantic swimming pool. Here are some pics of the VRBO we rented.

One of our favorite places to eat on the island is Tinys Hurricane hole. Our last trip we ate there a few times and the same this trip. It is super small, the food is good and the tiki hut is a great place to hang out and relax

A few other good places to eat on the island are the Marina near Deadmans Cay, Stella Maris resort, Docky’s Flat Bar and Cape Santa Maria Resort.

Docky’s Flats Bar

Cape Santa Maria


One of the days we took a day trip to the southern part of the island, where we went to Hamiltons Cave, Deans Blue hole, drove around the town and took some pictures and the highlight of the whole trip seeing flamingos in the wild.

Although we love seeing all sites on the island, we spent most of our time on the beach enjoying the beautiful water.

This is sparkles, the bahamian unicorn, she goes on all our family trips

In the evenings the girls would give sparkles goodnight kisses.

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